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Needed urgently what are short cut keys

Answers (2)
  1. 25 December, 04:01
    Copy: Ctrl + C.

    Cut: Ctrl + X.

    Paste: Ctrl + V.

    Maximize Window: F11 or Windows logo key + Up Arrow.

    Task View: Windows logo key + Tab.

    Switch between open apps: Windows logo key + D.

    Shutdown options: Windows logo key + X.

    Lock your PC: Windows logo key + L.


    This is for windows. Most of these can be replaced by the command key instead of the control key on mac.
  2. 25 December, 04:20
    some shortcut keys are:


    ctrl + A - select all

    ctrl + B - bold

    ctrl + C - copy

    ctrl + U - underline

    ctrl + V - paste

    ctrl + X - cut

    ctrl + Y - repeat

    ctrl + Z - undo

    ctrl + P - print

    ctrl + I - italic
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