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9 April, 00:48
Convert between fractions and decimal number
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Turner Wagner
9 April, 00:59
To convert fractions to decimals, look at the fraction as a division problem. Take the top number, or the numerator, of the fraction and divide it by the bottom number, or the denominator. You can do this in your head, by using a calculator, or by doing long division. For example, ¼ is just 1 divided by 4, or 0.25
9 April, 01:03
Think of fractions as a problem. The easiest way to convert a fraction to decimal is to treat the fraction as a division calculation, with the number above dividing by the number below. [5]
For example, the fraction 2/3 can also be written as 2 divided by 3.
Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator of that fraction. You can calculate mental arithmetic in your head, especially if the numerator and denominator are multiples of each other, or with the calculator if it is a large divisor.
A simple way to do this is to simply put the divisor (for example, 2 is the divisor in division 1 by 2) below and the dividend (1 is the dividend in division 1 by 2) above. So 1 divided by 2 will equal half (1/2).
Check the calculation results again. Multiply the corresponding decimal number you get by the denominator of the original fraction. You will get the numerator of that fraction.
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